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The landscape of American cemeteries


American Buttle Monuments Commission


Roma-Nettuno, Firenze




Gianfranco Franchi

Chiara Tesi

Giorgio Galletti

Plytropos engeenering

Studio Gabellini

Michael Cameron

Massimo Azzini

Project details

The aim of the work is to carry out a landscape study of the two American cemeteries located in Italy, namely that of Florence and that of Rome-Nettuno. This study concerned the analysis of the vegetation present, including trees, shrubs and meadows, in order to identify the critical issues and the interventions necessary to guarantee their health. In addition, through the use of drones, a altimetric-plan survey was carried out to represent in extreme detail the topography of the two sites. Subsequently, historical research was conducted to explore the constructive and decorative elements, landscape and scenographic composition of cemeteries, including perspectives, wings and characteristic elements of the landscape. The result of this work will be of great use to ABMC, which will be able to use it for the planning of vegetation management and maintenance interventions.